Hain Lifescience is the manufacturer and distributor of molecular diagnostic systems and instruments. The focus of the company today is the independent development, production and distribution of modern diagnostic test systems and lab equipment. With these products definite statements can be made, for example about the presence of hereditary diseases. Other test systems are used to identify bacteria which cause diseases such as tuberculosis, MRSA or other serious infections. The technology is based on our HyBeacon, DNASTRIP and GenoQuick®. The detection systems for mycobacteria and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) offer a solution for major community health problems and are therefore in the focus of international interest.
The Technology
The innovative test systems enable to obtain definitive molecular-biological proof of pathogens and their resistances. While with the human genetics product line, genetic predispositions for various diseases are tested. Test systems on three different modern technology platforms are available for these diagnostic investigations:
The HyBeacon technology is an innovative technology with fluorescence labeled probes. The combination of specific amplification and subsequent detection in the same device guarantees high diagnostic reliability.
The DNA•STRIP technology is based on the principle of reverse hybridization. High diagnostic reliability is assured by the combination of a specific amplification with subsequent hybridization.
The GenoQuick® technology, a new generation of direct tests is available. These combine a high degree of diagnostic reliability with significant time savings.
Mycobacteria Product Series
The GenoType® Product Series Mycabacteria offers you a rapid, easy and cost-efficient diagnostic system based on DNA•STRIP® technology.
Based on the GenoType® and GenoQuick® technologies, our MRSA test systems enable you to have fast and cost-effective MRSA diagnostics.
Your test system for the reliable identification of Helicobacter pylori and its resistances to fluoro-quinolones and clarithromycin. Sexually transmitted infections
Your test systems for the reliable detection of Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Your rapid test system for direct detection of B. pertussis and B. parapertussis from nasal, throat and mouth smears.
Clostridium difficile
GenoType CDiff - Your test system for the detection of Clostridium difficile and ribotype 027.
Sepsis / Pathogen detection
Allow a rapid efficient diagnostics of sepsis and other bacterial born infections.
Molecular genetic test system for the detection of the Shiga Toxin genes and virulence factors.
GenoType® Enterococcus - Your molecular genetic test system to detect vancomycin-resistant enterococci from culture samples.
Dental diagnostic
Micro-IDent® - Test systems for the reliable identification of 5 and 11 periodontopathogenic bacterial species.
Human genetics
The test systems enable you a rapid and effective diagnosis of thrombophilia.
GenoType® PAI-1 - Definitive detection of two polymorphisms in the PAI-1 gene.
GenoType® ApoE - Your test system for the detection of the three most frequent alleles of the human ApoE gene.
Hereditary Hemochromatosis
Definite detection of mutations associated with hereditary hemochromatosis.
Food intolerance
Reliable detection of hereditary lactose and fructose intolerance!
FluoroType® IL28B - Fluorescence-based molecular genetic test system for reliable Diagnostics of IL28B genotypes.
Your test systems for the definite detection of the HLA-B27 allele.
GenoType® AAT - Detetction of the two most important deficiency alleles of the alpha-1-antitrypsin gene.
FluoroType® HSV - Your rapid fluorescence based test system for direct detection of HSV from patient specimens.
DNA Isolation
Method for rapid manual isolation of bacterial DNA for the use of FluoroType® MRSA test system.
Method for rapid manual isolation of bacterial DNA for the use of FluoroType® test systems.
Selective isolation of bacterial DNA directly from patient specimens for use of GenoType Bac-IDent test system.
GXT Extraction Kits
Extraction Kits for the fully automated isolation of nucleic acids from various sample materials using the GenoXtract.
Kit for Extraction of Genomic Bacterial DNA from Patient Specimens for the use of GenoType and GenoQuick® test systems.
Collection and storage of amplifyable nucleic acids for use in designated test kits from Hain Lifescience.
DNA Isolation Kit
Kit for isolation and purification of genomic DNA.
Your fully automated instrument for the isolation of nucleic acids from various sample materials.
FluoroCycler® 12
Flexible Cycler from Hain Lifescience for processing of the FluoroType® test systems.
GTQ-Cycler 24
24-well thermal cycler for nucleic acid amplification.
GTQ-Cycler 96
96-well thermal cycler for nucleic acid amplification.
Manual processing of 12 samples.
TAS-System for analysis of a thermal cycler’s temperature performance.
GT-Blot 48
Automated processing of 48 samples.
Automated evaluation and Result interpretation.
Microlitre Centrifuge for 24 1,5/2,0 ml tubes.
Block Heater
Digital Block Heater for the incubation of 24 x 1,5 ml tubes.