About Us


WALDNER Laboreinrichtungen GmbH & Co. KG is a company of the WALDNER Group, which employs approximately 1,350 employees worldwide. We have developed and produced laboratory furniture for all applications in Wangen im Allgäu for more than 60 years.

Our laboratory furniture system SCALA is based on a modular principle. Depending on the situation and requirements, it can lead to completely new layout solutions or supplement existing furniture. The consistent adherence to an ingenious size grid for the basic components provides a maximum of design possibilities in every functional area of the laboratory.

“Act instead of react” has always been our maxim. Many of our innovations and developments are regarded worldwide as the benchmark and have significantly influenced the workplace in the laboratory.

The constant orientation of our work towards the customers’ requirements have made us the market leader in Europe.

SCALA - Lab of the future
The new design of our laboratory furniture programme SCALA will be shaping the laboratory of the future. SCALA can easily be adapted to ever new situations in a room due its flexible functional units. With our laboratory furniture SCALA we are providing an innovative, fully developed technology: be it with our laboratory workbenches, our laboratory cabinets, the service modules – first and foremost our service ceiling – or our laboratory fume cupboards.

Our laboratory fume cupboards feature utmost occupational safety for your laboratory workplace, at best linked with Waldner’s laboratory room control system.

However, we are not only furnishing your laboratory but we are also taking on the planning of your laboratory by request. We are, of course, providing suitable accessories for your laboratory, and our service technicians will visit your laboratory facility in regular intervals for inspection and maintenance works.

Fume cupboards for more safety.
All laboratory work during which gases, fumes, particles or liquids are handled in dangerous quantities and concentrations must be performed in fume cupboards.

Reduced energy consumption – increased profitability
Our bench mounted fume cupboards with side installation which are tested in accordance with EN 14175, e.g., use 350 m³/h/lfm, all bench mounted fume cupboards with Secuflow technology require 270 m³/h/lfm.

Safety through the intake airflow profile on the front edge of the fume cupboard worktop
It prevents turbulence that could carry pollutant emissions.

Largest possible access area
The slender, patented side posts of our fume cupboards offer an increased nominal width of the internal workspace and due to their special shape ensure that there is little turbulence in the intake air.